The striking thing is not the bad news, which is not really news for those who have followed the science closely. It’s the report’s insights on possibilities for cautious optimism

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A Colombian engineer, Hernán Sandino, stands on a dock in the Suesca Lagoon, which has dried up due to a strong drought exacerbated by climate change. Photo: Raúl Arboleda/AFP/Getty Images

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1 thought on “

  1. One big thing missing is actual facts.
    1) General activity, removal of trees and draining of Bogs is releasing as much co^2 as we are burning fossil fuel. As she points out trees take up half of carbon we release.
    2) Solar in lieu of forests or farmland in temperate climates is not productive at all if CO^2 is the only issue looked at.
    3) Britain and Saudi Arabia is committing too Hydrogen economy and intend to be a major producers. Our Energy ( We have plenty of fossil fuel and other resources; use of which what makes us great) dependent economy will fail if we have to import Hydrogen and or the equipment to make Hydrogen.
    4) Last but certainly not least is the ignoring of the normal changes in temperature. We to date have of the last decade or so been releasing more than we need too to maintain warm temperature. World would be getting colder by 6 degrees Celsius or so and the North American and European Glaciers would be returning. This would destroy this civilization. How much do we pay the Carbon users for saving the planet? Plenty of Data that supports this and none that doesn’t support this statement.

    What we have done to date is out of control. Most doesn’t work and is counter productive. We cannot continue to be dependent on carbon based fuel. Green Hydrogen is one answer the world seems to betting on. While increasing temperature indicates that we have released too much CO^2 for now. As time goes on we will perhaps need more CO^2 released in order not too freeze.

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