Letter: Proposed Head Of Young Adult Services Position At Jones Library Is Unjustifiable


Children's Room, Jones Library. Photo: Art Keene

I was the one who gave a public comment at the meeting about the addition of another full-time position at the library. I am a strong supporter of the library and of teen services. I must strongly object to new positions being added at the library.

When she needed votes, the director assured us that no more positions were needed if the building project were approved. Now she is saying an additional full-time position is needed. Even if she keeps the coordinator position unfilled until after the building project, she is still adding positions. Can we trust that this is the only new position she will create or will more be needed for the larger library? Where is the transparency? Why didn’t she admit to greater staffing needs before the project was approved?

She is increasing positions at the Jones, but taking away a professional position at the branches. They are now hiring one person to oversee both branches leaving part timers in charge of daily operations.

The library is already better staffed than any other library in western Massachusetts. Chicopee has two full-time positions to handle all of kid and teen services. The Jones has four fulltime and ten part-time staff.

The job description for the proposed position is almost identical to the current position. Both positions can’t be needed. If the current person is overqualified for the job, upgrade the position but don’t create a new, additional position for that person.

Most importantly, there are other departments in town that have a greater need for additional positions. The fire department is chronically understaffed and it’s a public safety issue. If the town can afford more positions, they should be created in the departments where the need is greatest,  rather than forcing them to seek grants to pay for additional positions.

I urge the personnel board to deny this request.

Natalie Barber

Natalie Barber is a resident of Amherst

Natalie Barber is a resident of Amherst

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1 thought on “Letter: Proposed Head Of Young Adult Services Position At Jones Library Is Unjustifiable

  1. Another issue is what the expanded Youth services at the Jones Library means for the Multi cultural Youth Center proposed in the report of the Community Safety Working Group. That was supposed to provide a safe space for youth of color. A teen room at the library overseen by a White director will not serve this goal and should not be used as a reason to forego the creation of the Multicultural Youth Center. If increased money is being directed to youth services, it should go to what the communities of color have called for.

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