African Heritage Reparation Assembly Plans Listening Session On October 27

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photo: Amherst African Heritage Reparations Assembly

The African Heritage Reparation Assembly (AHRA) has scheduled a listening session open to all community members on Thursday, October 27 from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. at the Hitchcock Center, 845 West Street. The session will begin with a brief speaking program, followed by a facilitated listening session that centers on Black and African heritage voices.  

Although the media will be present, participants will be assured that none of what they say will be shown or published without their explicit consent. The program will be recorded by Amherst Media, but all sensitive content will be edited out. 

The PVTA will provide a temporary bus stop at the Hitchcock Center for the evening. Childcare will be provided. Unfortunately, the listening session is scheduled for the same time as the Amherst Education Foundation’s annual trivia bee, but AHRA members are hoping for a robust turnout from Amherst’s BIPOC community and other concerned residents.

The listening session is part of AHRA’s outreach program, which also includes a community survey and going door-to-door  to talk to residents. Members of the Amherst College Student Senate are helping with the outreach activities.

The Black Assembly of Amherst also held a hybrid listening session on October 8 at the New Africa House at UMass. The approximately 15 participants had a robust discussion about who is owed repair for past injustices.

Poster for event at 

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