Valley Musicians And Fab Four Fans To Come Together For June 10 Acoustic Beatles Night


The Beatles. License: Creative Commons, CC BY 2.0

Acoustic Beatles Night
Saturday June 10, 2023 at 7pm
First Church, 165 Main St., Amherst MA 01002

The Saturday, June 10 event will be a special Acoustic Beatles Night, featuring the performance and sharing of songs recorded by the Beatles or a former Beatle. Musicians from around the Valley will lead the Beatles songfest and singalong. It will take place at First Church, 165 Main St., Amherst (parking on street or in back).

Karen Brooks, Pete Nelson, Ben Tousley, and Muldrow Etheredge, are among the more than a dozen artists who will take the stage.

Musicians interested in sharing one or two Beatles songs are encouraged to come and be part of the show. Instruments should be of the acoustic variety (guitars, ukes, hand drums, accordions, sitars, etc.). Electronic keyboards and direct lines are OK. Microphones for instruments and vocals will be available. There is a tuned piano available.

Beatles song performers should sign up by emailing Paul Kaplan at Get your song choices in early, before your favorite gets taken.

The Acoustic Beatles event is open to members of the public of all ages. Admission is free, with a suggested minimum donation of $5-10, which this month is for the benefit of the Pioneer Valley Folklore Society (Eat your heart out, Mr. Kite!) to cover our rental of the hall for our long-running monthly Song & Story Swaps next season. Yes, we get by with a little help from our friends.

Come prepared to perform a song by or related to The Beatles, or just to listen!

Pioneer Valley Folklore Society ā€“

License: Creative Commons, CC BY 2.0
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