Town Appoints New Finance Director and Communications Manager. Clerk of Council O’Keeffe to Remain in Amherst.

Amherst Town Hall. Photo: Art Keene.
Finance Director Appointed
Town Manager Paul Bockelman announced on May 29 the appointment of Melissa Zawadzki as the town’s new Finance Director. The appointment is subject to review by the Town Council.
Zawadzki brings over 20 years of public finance and municipal management experience to the town and has previously held positions that require leadership, planning and fiduciary responsibility. She began her public service career as the Assistant Treasurer in the City of Northampton and has served in several other Western Massachusetts communities as Treasurer-Collector and/or Finance Director, including Agawam, Southbridge, Easthampton and Palmer. Most recently, Zawadzki has been the Senior Director of Human Resources at the University of Massachusetts Auxilliary Enterprises.
Zawadzki has a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of North Carolina in Wilmington and a Master of Science in non-profit management from Bay Path University. She also earned the Massachusetts Municipal Association’s Certificate in Local Government Leadership and Management from Suffolk University. She is a certified public procurement officer, certified municipal treasurer and certified municipal collector.
Zawadzki also has experience as a member of multiple building committees in two different communities and serves on her home town’s Finance Committee and Capital Planning Committee.
Zawadzki will join the town’s existing finance team led by Comptroller Holly Drake, Treasurer-Collector Jennifer LaFountain, and Principal Assessor Kim Mew. She will begin work on July 1.
Communications Manager Appointed
Bockleman announced that Samantha Giffen has been appointed as the town’s Communication Manager. Giffen has extensive experience in developing and implementing communications strategies designed to promote engagement, encourage opportunities for governmentall participation, and increase the transparency and accessibility of information and public services.
Giffen is coming to the town after serving as the Assistant Director of the Frederick E. Berry Institute of Politics at Salem State University. In this role she focused on inspiring college students to become more engaged in politics through a variety of educational and experiential programs. She hopes to broaden those initiatives to inspire the broader communities to engage in local government issues especially those Amherst residents who are less likely to be engaged in local decision making.
Giffen is a skilled communicator, facilitator, and organizer and has experience managing websites, social media, newsletters, email notifications, print marketing, video development, and media relations. She is a member of the Board of Directors for the League of Women Voters Massachusetts and co- chaired its Voter Engagement Committee.
Clerk of the Council O’Keeffe to Remain in Amherst, Taking on Additional Responsibilities
Bockelman also announced that Athena O’Keeffe, Clerk of the Town Council, will continue her career in the Town of Amherst. Last week, O’Keeffe was named as the unanimous choice of the Montague Selecboard to serve as the town’s new Assistant Administrator. She will be taking on additional responsibilities that include Strategic Planning and Legislative Affairs Management. O’Keeffe will continue to serve as Clerk of the Council.
O’Keeffe has been an integral part of the town’s administrative team, demonstrating exceptional organizational and leadership skills. Most recently she was part of the Interim Finance Team that managed the town’s FY 25 budget process.
Town Manager Paul Bockelman stated, “Now more than ever it is crucial that the town recruit and retain strong leadership to manage the ever more challenging environment in municipal government. I am committed to retaining the people that will manage the ambitious goals established by the Town Council and drive the town toward continued success.” He added, “Athena has shown a commitment to the municipal management profession both through her academic achievement and her work in town governance. She works well with our experienced department heads and elected officials and represents the future of municipal management. I am pleased we were able to match her professional aspirations with the town’s needs.”
O’Keeffe has served the town since 2015, first as Management Assistant in the Town Clerk’s office before her appointment as Clerk of Council in 2019. In 2022,she completed the Massachusetts Municipal Association and Suffolk University Certificate in Local Government Leadership and Management. She continued to pursue her professional development and in May 2024 received her Master’s Degree in Public Administration from Suffolk University. In recognition of her superior academic achievement, O’Keeffe was inducted into the Pi Alpha Alpha Honor Society for Public Affairs Administration.
In her expanded role, she will focus on aligning the town’s strategic objectives with legislative priorities, ensuring cohesive and forward-thinking governance. She will work to develop and implement strategies that address both current and future needs for the town.