Folksinger Chris Koldewey Headlines PVFS February Song & Story Swap

Chris Koldewey
Source: Pioneer Valley Folklore Society
Folksinger Chris Koldewey will be the guest artist at the Pioneer Vally Folks Society’s February Song and Story Swap on Saturday, February 1 at First Church, 165 Main St. in Amherst at 7p.m. Parking is available in the lot behind the church. The Song & Story Swap is open to all. Admission is free, with a suggested minimum donation to the artist of $7.50.
At song & story swaps, people of all ages gather to share stories and songs that are traditional, newly written, or of personal experiences. You can tell, sing, or lead
everyone in singing, or request a song or story. Attendees will be invited to contribute a song or story on the topic of “the Sea” during an opening round of sharing. Listeners are welcome.
Chris Koldewey sings songs that have entered into the oral tradition of
American and British folk music. His concerts may include work-songs from
the days of sail, songs of love and parting, ballads and story songs of the
supernatural, or the songs our forbearers might have sung “just for the fun
of it.” Chris uses skills learned as a public school music teacher, and interpreter
at Mystic Seaport Museum, to engage with audiences, and invite them to
participate during concerts in the hopes of making the music more their own.
He has released an album of traditional folk music titled “Called Away.”
The monthly Song & Story Swap, now in its twenty-ninth year, is sponsored by
the Pioneer Valley Folklore Society of Western Massachusetts. Visit the
Folklore Society website at
For more information contact Paul Kaplan, 413-687-5002.