Letter: No More Money for Jones Expansion!

Photo: istock
The following letter was sent to the Town Manager and the Amherst Town Council on May 10, 2024.
Over the past several years, we have watched the town’s reporting on the escalating costs of the Jones Library expansion. The latest figure of $55 million for the expansion is extravagant beyond words and far beyond what the Town of Amherst can afford. As you know, Amherst has many unmet needs and we feel it is unconscionable to place this wasteful, unnecessary expansion above other town needs by continuing to push the project forward “at all costs.” As Amherst taxpayers, we are respectfully asking you to do the fiscally responsible thing and terminate the Jones Library expansion once and for all. The historic Jones Library is a town gem and should be fully renovated in a manner in which the town can afford.
Peggy Matthews-Nilsen
Sigurd Nilsen
Peggy Matthews-Nilsen and Sigurd Nilsen are residents of Amherst’s District 5
My feelings exactly.
Prioritize Fire & Rescue!
The Amherst Firehouse was supposed to be updated over twenty years ago. The city council should spend time at the station and see how antiquated it is!
Spend taxpayers money on real services.
The south Amherst fire station has been discussed at least since 1975 when I joined Town Meeting and the North Station opened.