Appointment Recommendations For Jones Library Building Committee, Other Town Bodies, To Come Before Council This Week


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The Town Services and Outreach Committee (TSO), at their meetings on August 5 and August 9, recommended unanimously (3-0) to appoint 28 people to 11 town multi-member bodies based on the recommendations of Town Manager Paul Bockelman. Councilor George Ryan (District 3) was appointed temporary chair of the meeting, given the absence of former Chair Darcy DuMont (District 5) who recently resigned as chair and vice-chair Evan Ross (District 4).  Ryan and Councilors Alisa Brewer (at large),and Andy Steinberg(at large) were present. The recommendations were forwarded to the Town Council and are likely to come up for approval at their meeting on August 23. The complete appointment memo can be read here. The appointment and reappointment recommendations were as follows:

To the Jones Library Building Committee for terms to continue the length of the building process: 

• _Paul Bockelman, Town Manager 

• _Sharon Sharry, Library Director 

• _Sean Mangano, Finance Director 

• _George Hicks, Library Building Maintenance Official 

• _Austin Sarat and Alex LeFebvre, Jones Library Trustees 

• _George Ryan, Town Council 

To the Historical Commission for a three-year term to expire on June 30, 2024 

• _Katherine Davis 

• _Rebecca Lockwood 

and for a one-year term to expire on June 30, 2022 

• _Jane Wald (reappointment) 

Wald has agreed to serve one more year to ensure continuity and so that the commission has its full complement of members.

To the Local Historic District Commission for a three-year term to expire on June 30, 2024 

• _Jennifer Taub (reappointment) 

• _Judith Strayer 

and for a two-year term to expire on June 30, 2023 

• _Bruce Coldham (reappointment) 

and for a one-year term to expire on June 30, 2022 

• _Jim Lumley (reappointment) 

It was noted by the Committee that Lumley is a resident of Pelham and that according to Charter Section 3.3(c) his appointment will require a separate vote by the council approving his appointment as a non-resident. It was noted that the committee has no issue with Lumley himself. He has served faithfully since 2017 and is a member of the Realtor Association of the Pioneer Valley, and in that role fits the charge’s request that at least one member of the Local Historic District Commission be someone with experience in real estate. Nonetheless the committee felt that given the authority of the Local Historic District Commission, as set out in MGL Chapter 40C and in the town bylaws, to make decisions involving Amherst homeowners it would be appropriate that an Amherst resident be found to fill this position. Hence their recommendation to the town manager to make this a one-year reappointment with the expectation that the town manager will seek out an Amherst resident with experience in real estate. 

To the Board of Health for a three-year term to expire on June 30, 2024 

• _Maureen Millea (reappointment) 

• _Timothy Randhir (reappointment ) 

To the Registrar of Voters for a three-year term to expire on June 30, 2024 

• _Jacqueline Gardner (Democrat, reappointment) 

and for a two-year term to expire on June 30, 2023 

• _Jaime Wagner (Republican, reappointment) 

To the Council on Aging for a three-year term to expire on June 30, 2024 

• _Charles Fuller (reappointment) 

• _Patricia Rector (reappointment) 

To the Disability Access Advisory Committee for a two-year term to expire on June 30, 2023 

• _Serrin Derin (reappointment) 

• _Victoria Dixon (reappointment) 

In discussion it was noted that both reappointments are for members who have been serving for a considerable period of time. Derin was first appointed to the DAAC in 1991 and has served continuously since April 30, 2007. Dixon was first appointed to the committee in 2011. TSO recognizes the important role that the DAAC plays in Amherst as the voice of the disabled community and realizes that finding members who represent the range and breadth needed for such a body is a  challenge. It also acknowledges that both members up for reappointment have provided invaluable service over the years on behalf of the disabled population in town. It recommended to the town manager a term length of two years in the hope that during that period new members can be found to bring fresh perspectives. It was noted that due to a recent resignation there isone vacancy on the committee.

To the Personnel Board for a one-year term to expire on June 30, 2022 

• _Charles Scherpa (Employee Representative, reappointment) 

and for a term to expire on January 2, 2022 

• _Christopher Hoffman (Library Trustee, reappointment) 

It was noted that Hoffman is the Library Trustee representative on this body but he is not standing for re-election,  so his position will need to be filled once he steps down.

To the Residents Advisory Committee for a one-year term to expire on June 30, 2022 

• _Keisha Dennis (reappointment) 

• _Connie Kruger (reappointment) 

• _Jim Pistrang (reappointment) 

To the Water Supply Protection Committee for a three-year term to expire on June 30, 2024 

• _Lyons Witten (reappointment) 

• _Brian Yellen (reappointment) 

In discussion it was noted that given the specific charge of this body and the need for individuals with very specialized background and expertise that the usual concerns about length of service (see our discussion above on the DAAC) are not warranted. 

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