What’s in This Issue?

Photo: Dreamtime. Creative commons
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1. UMass Faculty and Librarians Vote No Confidence in Chancellor Javier Reyes by Art Keene
2. Report on the Meeting Between Student Negotiators and UMass Amherst Administration, May 7, 2024 by Kevin Young
3. Opinion: UMass Chancellor Reyes’ Police Action Was Unnecessary and Unprecedented. A Brief History of Dissent At UMass Amherst by Art Keene
4. Jones Library Expansion Project on Hold. Town Manager and Public Respond to High Cost Estimate by Maura Keene
5.. Opinion: I Was Present at the UMass Police Action and It Was Disgraceful by Amber Cano-Martin
1. Neighbors Oppose Plans for Two Amherst Properties by Maura Keene
2. Library Trustees Keep Expansion Project on Life Support. by Art Keene
3. Opinion: Amherst Has a Gambling Disorder by Jeff Lee
4. Opinion: I See No Reason to Hope That the Jones Expansion Project Will Become Affordable by Bob Pam
5. Sunrise Amherst Plans Demonstration at Amherst College Commencement by Amherst Sunrise Movement
What’s Happening in Amherst? by Art and Maura Keene
Designers Propose Cuts to Library Sustainability and Historic Preservation by Jeff Lee
Significant Costs Savings Remain Elusive for Jones Library Expansion Project by Art Keene
Finance Committee Votes Unanimously to Recommend Increase in Regional School Budget by Maura Keene
Town Poised to Recommend Additional Funding for Regional Schools by Maura Keene
Letter: Enough Is Enough! It’s Time to Change Our Mind on the Jones Library Expansion by Meg Gage
Retired UMass Professor Awarded $20M Pivotal Ventures Grant
UMass Followup Public Solar Forum Online , June 4
UMass Followup Public Solar Forum Online , June 4
Almanac: Gentle Giants by Stephen Braun
Gardening Tips: Containing Invasive Japanese Knotweed by Kate Pfordresher
Poetry: Startlement by Ada Limon c/o Russ Vernon-Jones
Amherst Will Celebrate Juneteenth With Multiple Events on Saturday June 15
UMass Followup Public Solar Forum Online , June 4
What’s Happening in Amherst? by Art and Maura Keene
Almanac: Gentle Giants by Stephen Braun
Gardening Tips: Containing Invasive Japanese Knotweed by Kate Pfordresher
Poetry: Startlement by Ada Limon c/o Russ Vernon-Jones
Photo of the Week: An Indy May Gallery compiled by Art Keene
Senior Services Seeks Volunteeers To Help With New Food Distribution Program
Designers Propose Cuts to Library Sustainability and Historic Preservation by Jeff Lee
Amherst Will Celebrate Juneteenth With Multiple Events on Saturday June 15
Designers Propose Cuts to Library Sustainability and Historic Preservation by Jeff Lee
Here Are Some of the Challenges Facing Jones Expansion Bidders by Ken Rosenthal
Designers Propose Cuts to Library Sustainability and Historic Preservation by Jeff Lee
Here Are Some of the Challenges Facing Jones Expansion Bidders by Ken Rosenthal
Significant Costs Savings Remain Elusive for Jones Library Expansion Project by Art Keene
Letter: Protect Town’s Interests from Jones Trustees by Gerald Friedman
Letter: Choose the Responsible Path! Repair and Repurpose the Jones by Barbara Puffer Garnier
Letter: Enough Is Enough! It’s Time to Change Our Mind on the Jones Library Expansion by Meg Gage
Letter: Protect Town’s Interests from Jones Trustees by Gerald Friedman
Letter: Choose the Responsible Path! Repair and Repurpose the Jones by Barbara Puffer Garnier
Letter: Enough Is Enough! It’s Time to Change Our Mind on the Jones Library Expansion by Meg Gage
Letter: Proposal for New School Budget Committee Is Disrespectful to Incoming Superintendent by Art Keene
TSO Recommends Townwide 25 mph Speed Limit and Other Traffic Calming Measures by Art Keene
Finance Committee Votes Unanimously to Recommend Increase in Regional School Budget by Maura Keene
Town Poised to Recommend Additional Funding for Regional Schools by Marua Keene
School Committee Rejects Proposal for Budget Oversight Committee by Maura Keene
TSO Recommends Townwide 25 mph Speed Limit and Other Traffic Calming Measures by Art Keene
Letter: Proposal for New School Budget Committee Is Disrespectful to Incoming Superintendent by Art Keene
Senior Services Seeks Volunteeers To Help With New Food Distribution Program
Significant Costs Savings Remain Elusive for Jones Library Expansion Project by Art Keene
Finance Committee Votes Unanimously to Recommend Increase in Regional School Budget by Maura Keene
Town Poised to Recommend Additional Funding for Regional Schools by Maura Keene
School Committee Rejects Proposal for Budget Oversight Committee by Maura Keene
TSO Recommends Townwide 25 mph Speed Limit and Other Traffic Calming Measures by Art Keene
Town Appoints New Finance Director and Communications Manager. Clerk of Council O’Keeffe to Remain in Amherst.
Letter: Protect Town’s Interests from Jones Trustees by Gerald Friedman
Letter: Proposal for New School Budget Committee Is Disrespectful to Incoming Superintendent by Art Keene
TSO Recommends Townwide 25 mph Speed Limit and Other Traffic Calming Measures by Art Keene
PVTA Annouces 50th Anniversary Summer Fare-Free Rides